Monday, August 31, 2020

go kart track for ois

 Oamaru Intermediate School

Pembroke street 



Dear Miss Healey

I strongly believe that our school should get a go kart track so we can ride around on it at lunch time. But there will only be 8 go karts for the school. It will be 2$ dollars to go on it and the money will go towards something like cancer and stuff like that. So we can be the best school

Ever donate lots of money. Like the track will have a roof so you can go on it when it is raining so it can get more use.

This will be good for people to get to know each other that way maybe then there won't be as much bullying because they will be on the go kart track the school could get this so there is something more at lunchtime and the courts won't be as full as they are now O.I.S needs to get something like this so some people can have free time on it but they will still have to pay up the 2$ so it can go towards cancer and other horabbale stuff like that.

This will benefit the school by having some money so sometimes we won't have to fundraise as much as we had to at the start so having a go kart track at o.i.s will help some people some people will gain responsibilities they will do by driving on the track  and not crashing the go karts.

The go karts will have an engine and some of the money we make from using the go karts will go towards the petrol in the go karts.I think having a go kart track will be good for i.s so we can race on it at lunch and sometimes morning tea but you will have to bring your own safety gear eg helmet,gloves,long pants,long top and suitable shoes for the go karts if you don't have a helmet you can't go on it even if you pay the 2$ you will get your 2$ back and have to leave the line and you can't use your friends gear if you are caught doing this you will have a 2 week ban on the track.

In counseling i think a go kart track will be good for O.I.S  because more people will meet other people on the track and all of the money will go towards cancer so people can get rid of cancer or just make people's cancer time better than it was going to be so yeah in a couple of years ois will be the best school for people and ois is going to help people going through cancer.

From noah


  1. so Noah you would like a go kart track I support your idea and hope you get your track


  2. i love my bike this would be great at our school check out my blog



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